Catalogue of Works
Evocation - Solo for Viola and Piano (Grade 6-7) evocation - YouTube
Sonata for Viola and Piano (Grade 8).
Rhapsody for Viola and Orchestra (piano reduction) SUBJECT TO REVISION. (Grade 8)
Mobiles - duet for Violin and Viola (Grade 7-8)
September Song (Piano)
Mother Died Last Night (Piano)
On a pin's point (Piano)
Circles (Piano) circles - YouTube
Memento Mori (Piano) memento mori by kokoschka's doll (
I sing of a Maiden (traditional carol for S/A/B)
Sonatina for Piano
enter no (silence (song for Soprano and piano) PERMISSION PENDING and TO BE DIGITISED
the first of all my dreams (song for SATB) PERMISSION PENDING and TO BE DIGITISED
Stairs and Perspectives for Clarinet, Viola and Piano (TO BE DIGITISED)
The Ladder Reaches to the Moon for Viola and Piano (TO BE DIGITISED)
Three songs for Baritone and Viola (1. that melancholy fellow, 2. maggie and milly and molly and may, 3. here's a little mouse) PERMISSION PENDING and TO BE DIGITISED
This Bread I Break (song for Baritone and piano) PERMISSION PENDING and TO BE DIGITISED
Viola Concerto (viola part only, remainder currently lost!)
Gloria (unison setting) ARCHIVE
Bratton Service (Eucharistic Setting) ARCHIVE
Christ is the King (Easter Anthem) ARCHIVE